How to install Ruby on Rails 6.1 with asdf on macOS Big Sur
Ruby and Ruby on Rails have an outdated reputation of being difficult to set up, and some jump on this point to push their full stack JavaScript fantasies. In 2021, however, this doesn’t have to be an issue with the correct tool.
In this tutorial, we will set up Ruby on Rails 6.1 with Ruby 3, a PostgreSQL database, and Webpacker via Node on a clean install of macOS Big Sur without any pain thanks to asdf.
Step 1 - Install Homebrew
The Missing Package Manager for macOS (or Linux)
Install Homebrew and update your $PATH
. Take a look at the official documentation if you run into issues.
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"echo 'export PATH="/usr/local/sbin:$PATH"' >> ~/.zshrcsource ~/.zshrc # If you see weird behavior, restart your terminalbrew doctor
If everything is set up correctly, brew doctor
will return Your system is ready to brew.
. Address issues if there are any as they may cause issues down the road. You may also want to set up Homebrew’s shell-completion at this time.
Step 2 - Install asdf
Manage multiple runtime versions with a single CLI tool
Install asdf as well as some necessary dependencies and update your ~/.zshrc
. If you’d like to install asdf through a different method, check out the official documentation.
We are also going to create a .asdfrc
file and enable legacy_version_file
, which will allow us to get version info from files like .ruby-version
brew install coreutils curl git gpg gawk zsh yarn asdfecho -e "\n. $(brew --prefix asdf)/" >> ~/.zshrcecho 'legacy_version_file = yes' >> ~/.asdfrc
Restart your terminal.
Step 3 - Install Ruby
asdf plugin add rubyasdf install ruby 3.0.0asdf global ruby 3.0.0
Step 4 - Install Node
asdf plugin add nodejsbash -c '`${ASDF_DATA_DIR:=$HOME/`.asdf}/plugins/nodejs/bin/import-release-team-keyring'asdf install nodejs 14.16.0asdf global nodejs 14.16.0
Step 5 - Install Postgres
asdf plugin add postgresasdf install postgres 13.2asdf global postgres 13.2$HOME/.asdf/installs/postgres/13.2/bin/pg_ctl -D $HOME/.asdf/installs/postgres/13.2/data -l logfile start
🔥 You can add this handy function to your ~/.zshrc
from Josh Branchaud to make switching postgres versions easier.
Step 6 - Create Ruby on Rails app
To make sure everything’s correct, let’s create a new Rails app with a postgres database:
gem install bundler railsrails new asdf_demo -d postgresqlcd asdf_demobin/rails db:preparebin/rails s
Open localhost:3000
in your browser and you should see the Rails welcome screen. 🥳
In the end, this was all we needed to get a Rails app running on a clean install of macOS Big Sur:
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"echo 'export PATH="/usr/local/sbin:$PATH"' >> ~/.zshrcsource ~/.zshrcbrew doctorbrew install coreutils curl git gpg gawk zsh yarn asdfecho -e "\n. $(brew --prefix asdf)/" >> ~/.zshrcecho 'legacy_version_file = yes' >> ~/.asdfrc# ⚠️ Restart your terminal ⚠️asdf plugin add rubyasdf install ruby 3.0.0asdf global ruby 3.0.0asdf plugin add nodejsbash -c '`${ASDF_DATA_DIR:=$HOME/`.asdf}/plugins/nodejs/bin/import-release-team-keyring'asdf install nodejs 14.16.0asdf global nodejs 14.16.0asdf plugin add postgresasdf install postgres 13.2asdf global postgres 13.2$HOME/.asdf/installs/postgres/13.2/bin/pg_ctl -D $HOME/.asdf/installs/postgres/13.2/data -l logfile start# ⚠️ Restart your terminal ⚠️gem install bundler railsrails new asdf_demo -d postgresqlcd asdf_demobin/rails db:preparebin/rails s
I am sure there are ways to improve this and I would love to hear any optimizations you come up with!
It doesn’t have to end here though! Checkout asdf’s plugin list for all available plugins. Redis, Elasticsearch, and ImageMagick can all be managed through asdf.
Hopefully this tutorial will help you get up and running with a Ruby on Rails 6.1 development environment lightning fast and pain free. 🚀
Happy coding!

Hey, I'm Andrew 👋
I'm a senior product engineer at Podia, co-host of Remote Ruby and Ruby for All, and co-editor of Ruby Radar. You can explore my writing, learn more about me, or subscribe to my RSS feed.